Kitchen Garden Kickstart Grants

12 grants available. Apply now.

Start small, Dream big!

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Primary schools

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Early childhood services

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20 Moments, 20 Years

Celebrating 20 years

Healthy Kids Advisors

Our community engagement initiative

Positive food habits for life

The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation, is an Australian not-for-profit founded in 2004 by legendary cook Stephanie Alexander AO. Twenty years on, we are still fighting for the health and wellbeing of Australian children and young people by delivering fun, hands-on and inclusive food education across the country.

Our globally recognised and evidence-backed Kitchen Garden Program equips children with the skills to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, affordable and culturally diverse food, enabling them to develop positive food, wellbeing and sustainability skills for life.

Shared Table

Here is a showcase of posts from the Shared Table, our online community of educators sharing kitchen and garden activities, exchanging ideas and networking. The Shared Table also houses our online library of hundreds of teaching resources, recipes, videos and templates to help you run a successful kitchen garden program.
