Secondary schools
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The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program for Secondary Years is a hands-on learning program that provides curriculum integration and focuses on student wellbeing, collaboration and leadership.
"I have learnt so much from this experience and I really think it should be in all secondary schools.
These are vital skills we all need to learn." – Year 9 student
Whether delivered as part of a mandatory Design and Technology program, as a Food Technology elective or whole-school initiatives around wellbeing or environmental sustainability, the globally-recognised Kitchen Garden Program is adaptable to any secondary school setting.
Schools can use the Kitchen Garden Program for Secondary Years to achieve an array of health, wellbeing, learning and community engagement objectives, equipping students for post-school success.
"The authenticity and engagement the program has brought to our college’s food technology, VET Horticulture and Hospitality and science classes has been immense. Secondary school students thrive when they are learning in real world environments and this program provides this in bucket loads." – Pilot program principal, 2020
Complete online form to join today
Benefits of the Kitchen Garden Program
The Kitchen Garden program offers secondary year students:
- lifelong practical skills
- curriculum-based learning reinforced by real-life contexts and meaningful experiences
- increased student wellbeing, where students play to their strengths, build resilience, flex their creativity and work collectively
- personal and social development, where students develop and enhance positive self-esteem, leadership, collaboration and problem-solving skills, and cultural awareness
- student engagement is enhanced through relevant hands-on, sensory experiences
- work pathways and employability skills gained through hands-on experiences and enhanced soft skills.
For educators the program provides:
- easy-to-access learning materials adaptable to any service environment
- personalised support and guidance from our Support Team, five days a week
- professional development opportunities, both online and face-to-face
- inspiration and networking via our robust community of practice
- increased community and social inclusion.
Kitchen Garden Program Membership
Start up or invigorate your Kitchen Garden Program with the secondary membership package including printed educational resources, professional development and more. Equip your educators with curriculum-linked learning for secondary school integration.
Start-up Membership Package (two-years) |
What's included?
Price: $1650 24-month renewal: $440 |
Complete online form to join today
Hungry to get started?
Talk to us to find out how easy it is to adapt the Kitchen Garden Program to any school setting. Contact our Support Team on 13000 SAKGF (13000 72543) or, or attend an upcoming info session.
Become a member today and join a community of primary schools teaching young people how to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, seasonal, delicious food.