Healthy Kids Advisors FAQs

Who are Healthy Kids Advisors?
The Healthy Kids Advisors initiative is delivered by the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation on behalf of the Victorian Government.
Our dedicated workforce of locally-based health promotion and community engagement experts provide hands on support for healthy and delicious food and drink in places where children and families gather, including:
- primary schools
- high schools
- sports clubs
- outside school hours care, and
- community/council operated facilities.
Healthy Kids Advisors are based in 13 communities.
Why is the Foundation involved?
The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation is delighted to be leading this community engagement initiative on behalf of the Victorian Government. The Healthy Kids Advisors initiative aligns with the Foundation’s vision to see children form positive food habits for life. We are excited to see a similar approach used outside of the school gate to bring benefits to the whole community.
For over 20 years, the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation has celebrated the flavours and social experiences of fresh, seasonal, delicious food through our Kitchen Garden Program. Our Healthy Kids Advisors lean on the Foundation’s pleasurable food education philosophy to support each community’s unique healthy eating goals and encourage participation in the state-wide Vic Kids Eat Well movement.
We are excited to see a similar approach being utilised outside of the school gate, so that children receive consistent food messaging and behaviour in their wider community.
Are Healthy Kids Advisors associated with the Kitchen Garden Program?
The Kitchen Garden Program continues to go from strength to strength and remains our core program with our key partners and wonderful schools supporting its growth.
A dedicated team will focus solely on Healthy Kids Advisors and collaborate with 13 communities across Victoria.
Which communities are involved?
The priority communities have close alignment with VicHealth’s Local Government Partnerships and work alongside the existing health promotion workforce.
- Buloke Shire Council
- Central Goldfields Shire Council
- City of Greater Bendigo
- Colac Otway Shire Council
- East Gippsland Shire Council
- Glenelg Shire Council
- Greater Dandenong City Council
- Greater Shepparton City Council
- Hume City Council
- Melton City Council
- Mildura Rural City Council
- Northern Grampians Shire Council
- Southern Grampians Shire Council.
I’m not in a targeted community, can I still be involved? Why aren’t all of VicHealth’s Local Government Partnerships involved?
To reinforce the placed-based effort, Healthy Kids Advisors are located only in the 13 VicHealth Local Government Partnership Fast-Track Councils who chose a focus on healthy eating. VicHealth provided a further three councils a modified support package, and Healthy Kids Advisors are not located at these sites.
Who else is involved?
Healthy Kids Advisors is delivered by the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation and supports the Vic Kids Eat Well movement. Vic Kids Eat Well is supported by the Victorian Government and delivered by Cancer Council Victoria’s Achievement Program, in partnership with Nutrition Australia’s Healthy Eating Advisory Service.
As well as Cancer Council Victoria, Nutrition Australia, and VicHealth, Healthy Kids Advisors will be working with other local initiatives designed to boost healthy eating efforts in communities; particularly community health, council and other local workforce allies to make healthy changes within communities.
How will the Healthy Kids Advisors initiative adapt to the Covid climate?
We are committed to our important work throughout this unique time and respectful of the organisational capacity and pressures being created by Covid. Healthy Kids Advisors will work with local community partners to adapt to each area’s local context and risk management priorities.
How does my organisation get involved?
Interested schools, outside schools hour care, sports clubs or community/council operated facilities in the 13 priority communities can receive free one-on-one support from a Healthy Kids Advisor.
To connect with us or find out more, visit our web page or email
Can I apply to become a Healthy Kids Advisor?
To learn more about employment opportunities, please email
Want more information?
Contact us at or visit the Healthy Kids Advisors news page.
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#HealthyKidsAdvisors, on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
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