Calling all community champions

Monday, September 5, 2022

As a community, we want to support our children and young people to enjoy active, healthy lifestyles. An important part of that is ensuring they have access to fresh, healthy and delicious food and drink in the places where they learn and play. 

Parents, carers and community members often have hopes and ideas to improve health outcomes for their community, but knowing how to make a difference or where to begin can often feel hard. 

Thankfully, there is a range of resources in Victoria to help raise local voices and support communities to lead the changes they want to see. 

Sign the statement of support for healthy canteens 

Creating a healthier food and drink menu in school canteens can improve the mental health, concentration and academic performance of our children and young people. 

Healthy Schools for Healthy Futures calls on the Canteens, Healthy Eating and Other Food Services Policy to ensure children have access to healthier food and drink options in school canteens. Sign a statement of support for healthier canteens today. 

Head to a case study from our Healthy Kids Advisors about a regional school's committment to improving their canteen menu. 

Join the Vic Kids Eat Well movement 

Help support healthy changes in your community by inviting a decision maker from your local school, outside school hours care, sports club, or community/council run facility to join the Vic Kids Eat Well movement. 

Vic Kids Eat Well provides simple, achievable steps to reach healthy food and drink goals in the places where children and young people learn and play.

Connect with a Healthy Kids Advisor 

The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation is proud to support the Vic Kids Eat Well movement by delivering the Healthy Kids Advisors initiative on behalf of the Victorian Government. 

Our locally-based Healthy Kids Advisors are active in 13 priority communities in Victoria. They connect schools and organisations to existing community resources and local opportunities and offer free, tailored guidance on reaching the unique healthy food and drink goals important to their community.  

Visit the Healthy Kids Advisors web page or contact us at to find out more. 

Plant a seed for pleasurable food education 

The purpose of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation is to introduce pleasurable food education to children during their learning years to form positive food habits for life. 

Would you like your local school or early childhood service to establish a kitchen garden program? For tips and tools for talking to your principal, centre director or key staff about the benefits of our program, contact the Kitchen Garden Support Line 13000 SAKGF (1300 072 543) or email

For monthly updates on grant opportunities, visit our home page.

Support Brands off our Kids! 

You can advocate for a community free from unhealthy food and drink advertising by showing your support for the Obesity Policy Coalition’s Brands off our kids! campaign.  

Register for ChangeMakers 

Parents’ Voice ChangeMakers course is a free online course designed for parents eager to create change in their communities. You will be provided with the tools to influence change and learn from the experiences of other parents. 

Have you seen any other resources you'd like to share? Get in touch with us


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