Five Kitchen Garden Program tips for 2025

As we look ahead to another exciting year of growing, harvesting, preparing and sharing fresh, seasonal food, now is the perfect time to ensure you’re getting the most out of your Kitchen Garden Program membership. Whether you’re a long-time member or joining us for the first time, here are our tips for making the most of your membership in 2025.
1. Access all areas
The Shared Table is our online resource library and community hub, packed with thousands of recipes, garden resources and lesson plans to help support your Kitchen Garden Program — whatever stage you’re at.
Make sure your staff and volunteers involved in your program have access to this invaluable tool. If anyone on your team is missing access, our friendly Support Team is here to help on email or phone, five days a week.
2. Nurture your skills
Professional development is an exciting highlight of your membership. We offer a range of in-person workshops and webinars designed to build your skills and confidence:
- Getting Started webinars: Perfect for new members or those looking to refresh their training.
- Make the Most of Your Membership series: Learn how to fully leverage your membership benefits. Previous topics have included a deep dive into our Support Team capabilities and learning how to create a unique vision for your Kitchen Garden Program.
- Program Enrichment Webinars (PEWs): Dive deeper into specific topics, such as running classes in wild weather conditions, seed saving and the science of baking. Check out our archive here.
- Virtual Tours: Get inspiration from other schools and services with a virtual tour through gardens and kitchens around Australia.
- Delivering Kitchen Garden Sessions: Join us for hands-on, full-day workshops designed for Kitchen Garden Program educators across Australia. Click here to find out where we’ll be running this workshop next.
Stay tuned to your inbox for all the latest updates on upcoming professional development opportunities.
3. Connect with your community
Building connections with other likeminded educators, staff and communities is one of the joys of joining the kitchen garden movement! Share your wins (and your wobbles) in the kitchen or garden and engage with other members from across the country. On the Shared Table, you can post photos, swap ideas and comment on fellow members’ posts.
You can also follow and interact with us on Facebook and Instagram for program highlights, inspiration and news from the Foundation. There is so much to be gained from the shared knowledge and enthusiasm of this very special community.
4. Reach out to our Support Team
Whether you need advice, troubleshooting or a sounding board for new ideas, you can reach our skilled Support Team Monday to Friday. We are here to help you every step of the way on 13000 SAKGF (13000 72543) or Why not book a one-on-one consultation here?
5. Set a vision for the new year
The start of a new year is a great opportunity to reflect and plan for what’s ahead. Consider what worked well in your garden and kitchen this past year and what challenges you faced. Use these insights to dream big for 2025!
New to the program? Work with your class or community to create a Vision Statement to consolidate your goals. Share your vision with the community on The Shared Table, who can help with your planning.
Wishing all our members an exciting year ahead! Together, we’ll continue to teach children and young people across Australia positive food, sustainability and wellbeing habits for life.
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