Q&A | Tallowwood Child Care Centre

For the Foundation's 20th anniversary, we're chatting with members around the country, uncovering how they bring the Kitchen Garden Program to life and make the most of their membership perks. The stories and ideas they share are a goldmine for both new members and seasoned educators curious to explore different approaches from other schools and services.
For this story, we interviewed passionate Kitchen Garden educator Ruth Simpkins from Griffith University Tallowwood Child Care Centre. Read on to discover Ruth’s insights and tips.
About the service
- Sector: Early childhood
- Location: Brisbane, Queensland
- Number of children in EC: 120
Program basics
- Age levels/groups in program: 3 - 5 year olds.
- Number of children in the program each year: About 60 children across our two centres in Tallowwood and Boronia.
- How often you run sessions: Weekly.
- Number of staff supporting the program: We have 10 educators actively involved.
- Number of helpers/volunteers per session: We have lots of grandparents and parents help us by growing seedlings and sharing seeds and cuttings.
- Type of garden: Vegepods, raised garden beds, bush tucker garden and pots.
- Type of kitchen: Childcare centre kitchen.
Program highlights
- Your favourite garden activity to run with children: Caring for plants and talking about bees.
- Your favourite recipe to use with children: Something quick and easy, like scones with herbs.
- Top learning activity related to the program: Connection to the land; talking about Aboriginal culture and respect for the land.
- One useful tip or hack that could benefit other members: Talk to staff about the benefits of gardening for positive mental health outcomes and talk with children about the joys of growing things from seed. Also, ask parents for advice. Most gardeners love supporting other gardeners and want to help.
- What have been your biggest successes/wins/breakthroughs: Seeing the children enjoy the outside space and listening to their conversations about looking after the garden.
- Have you seen an impact on the children over the years they're at the centre?: I have a theory that if children have space and positive people around them, they succeed and prosper.
- How do you fuel your passion for the program?: My passion stems from my childhood - I can sit outside and feel instantly calmer.
- What have you learnt that you wished you’d known when you started?: It does not matter how many times you don't succeed in something - if you look for positives, you will find them.
Feeling inspired by Tallowwood Child Care Centre? We can support you to start your Kitchen Garden Program today and meet you where you're at.
Join a community of schools and early childhood services right around Australia teaching young people how to grow, harvest, prepare and share! Get started by emailing us at membership@kitchengardenfoundation.org.au or coming along to a free information session.
Read our other Q&As:
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