LGA and community networks

LGA and community networks

Sign up for a free info session


The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation has a strong history of collaborating with LGAs, community health centres, primary care providers and local service organisations to deliver a range of health, education and community benefits.

Let us give you the tools to support children, young people and families in your local area, improving community wellbeing and social cohesion, while delivering on the implementation of community health and wellbeing, sustainability, and local food plans. 

We are extremely impressed with the work of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation at the local neighbourhood level on issues such as attacking obesity and teaching healthy living habits to our children. 

– John Hennessey, Municipal Association of Victoria



What's on offer?

Councils or community organisations can purchase Program membership bundles for local schools and services to get them started on their pleasurable food journey. Purchasing councils or organisations will also be provided with the tools to get involved with the Kitchen Garden Program themselves, augmenting organisational knowledge around growing, harvesting, preparing and sharing fresh, seasonal food.

With options for supporting three, six or 12 schools or early learning services in your area, the benefits are vast – you could be funding as many as 108,000 positive student experiences per year, as well as 8640 community volunteering opportunities. 

See the full list of membership bundles below.

Read more in our booklet, Supporting your community.


What's happening?

Find out how different community organisations around the country are embedding the Kitchen Garden Program in their local areas.

  • The City of Greater Bendigo is part of a group supporting eight schools and early childhood services in their area. Watch this video to find out more.
  • Gippsland Lakes Complete Health supports some 16 local schools and early childhood services through professional development support.
  • Brimbank City Council has worked to help nine schools start their own kitchen garden program. Read this article and watch this video to find out how.
  • Whitehorse City Council has supported sixteen schools and early childhood services in their area.

For more examples of the ways LGAs and community networks are supporting the Kitchen Garden Program in their communities, read this story.

For more information or to talk through membership options (and for year-round membership support), contact our specialist Support Team on 13000 SAKGF (13000 72543) or membership@kitchengardenfoundation.org.au


Membership options 

Bundle 1 

3 x school/service memberships

Bundle 2

6 x school/service memberships

Bundle 3

12 x school/service memberships

Purchasing LGA/organisation receives:



  • Access to Shared Table – resource, inspiration, sharing hub
  • 2 x places in Getting Started webinar series


  • Access to Shared Table – resource, inspiration, sharing hub 
  • 2 x places in Getting Started webinar series
  • Unlimited access to Program Enrichment Webinars.


  • Access to Shared Table – resource, inspiration, sharing hub
  • 2 x places in Getting Started webinar series
  • Unlimited access to Program Enrichment Webinars.
  • Team mentoring – once a semester 

Bundles start at $2925 

Bundles start at $5950

Bundles start at $11,900




