Kitchen Garden Month: start small, dream big!

This September is Kitchen Garden Month – Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation’s celebration of kitchen gardens across Australia. We’ll be delving into our ethos ‘start small, dream big’ to see the big impact even the smallest of kitchen garden programs can make.
Spring is a special time in the garden, so throughout the month of September, we’ll be looking into kitchen gardens of all shapes and sizes, dishing up some seasonal recipes and fun competitions, sharing our impact, and connecting via an info session, as well as celebrating the release of Stephanie Alexander’s newest book, Fresh!
Join us to amplify and grow the Kitchen Garden movement as we celebrate the work of educators across the nation, planting the seeds and growing a generation of young people who know the joy of getting their hands dirty in the garden, and transforming fresh produce in the kitchen. Let’s create a culture of growing, harvesting, preparing, and sharing!
Get involved
Dream big and find out how it all works at an information session on 6 September. Whether you’re an educator, a parent, a principal or belong to a P&C or community organisation, find out how the Kitchen Garden Program can work in your setting.
Share your spring kitchen garden moments with us on social media, or for members via the Shared Table, using #KitchenGardenMonth. Our two favourite springtime photos will each win a special #KitchenGardenMonth mystery prize pack. Look out for our Fresh giveaway comp on Instagram too. Terms and conditions here.
Find out more about the heart of our philosophy, pleasurable food education, with this handy explainer.
Members can access our new pleasurable food education resource on the Shared Table.
Cook along
Experience the joy of cooking together as a community through Kitchen Garden Month, with seasonal recipes generously contributed by friends of the Foundation, in celebration of Kitchen Garden Month!
Kitchen Garden Month Recipe Collection
We’ll also be holding a pasta party! This fun, hands-on webinar, will show just how achievable and fun pasta-making can be. Join our professional development team, as well as special guest Nat Vercoe from Wendouree Primary School, on September 13.
Book for our Pasta Party webinar
Support us
And if you want to help the Kitchen Garden Program grow, all donations, whatever size, will help us get pleasurable food education into more schools and early learning services across the country – enabling healthy and more sustainable living for children and young people and their communities.
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