Campbelltown North Public School

PH: 02 4625 1788
Fax: 02 46271278

Campbelltown North Public School (CNPS) is a P3 primary school. It has a student population of approximately 360 students, which comprises 14 mainstream classes and one class for students who have a mild intellectual disability. The school has a diverse student population, with 29% of the student population having language backgrounds other than English and there are approximately 25 Aboriginal students. The school has 5% of students who access Funding Support through student disability services. Campbelltown North Public School has comprehensive student welfare programs and inclusive practices. Our purpose is to provide high quality education within a safe, positive and caring environment and to create valuable members of society who have positive attitudes to life-long learning. 

Want to get involved?
This school currently has the following opportunities available:

Kitchen Garden volunteering

Contact the school for more information
