Healthy Bones Action Week 2023

Monday, August 21, 2023
This Healthy Bones Action Week, we're looking at three simple actions for lifelong bone health:
- consume delicious dairy in its many forms, like milk, cheese, yoghurt
- exercise with some weight-bearing activities, like hopping, skipping, jumping, running
- load up on your Vitamin D, by safely spending some time in the sunshine.
Delicious granola pots, created by East Freemantle Primary School, using tasty dairy yoghurt.
Want to learn more?
Get your bone burning questions answered by Saputo Dairy Australia, and interact with their many exciting resources, including both indoor and outdoor activities, like build a skeleton.
Have fun with our dairy discovery word find that you can download and complete, and Kitchen Garden Program members can access our Dairy recipes collection on the Shared Table.
Read up on our tasty dairy tips
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