Top 10 kitchen garden puns

Thursday, October 6, 2016
We’ve been digging around for some good garden and kitchen puns and thought we’d turn to our kitchen garden community for some help.
So in our September newsletter we ran a competition asking our subscribers to send in their best vegetable puns. We got a chuckle from the entries, and thought we’d share them.
- I don't always turnip at parties! – Julie Driver, Falcon, Western Australia.
- What did the father tomato say to the baby tomato while on a family walk? Ketchup! – Lisa Gormley, Bendigo, Victoria.
- What should you say when you plant spring's first legume seedling? A Pea Birthday! – Emily Wilden, Daylesford, Victoria.
- There’s never enough thyme in the garden – Tracey Rose, Freshwater Creek, Victoria.
Here are some of our favourites:
- Words cannot express hummus we love chickpeas.
- Harvesting, preparing and sharing are core to our apples.
- Olive a good dip!
- Oh my gourd! Look at all these pumpkins!
- There isn’t mushroom left in our veggie patch.
- Eat! And that’s our fennel word.
Scroll through the gallery above to see memes of our favourite puns.
We’ve run out of vegetable puns now. If you have any more, lettuce know on our Facebook page!
The winners of our newsletter vegetable pun competition received a copy of the new Grow Do It CD from Formidable Vegetable Sound System, who are also big fans of garden-related puns and use several in their catchy new songs.
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