Thank you kitchen garden program volunteers!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

To celebrate National Volunteer Week 2017 we have put together a photo gallery of some of the amazing volunteers who give their time in kitchen garden schools and centres across the country.

Scroll through the gallery above to see a selection of our favourite photos of volunteers helping children learn the joys of growing, harvesting, preparing and sharing fresh, seasonal delicious food.

Volunteers are a vital ingredient in kitchen and garden classes, and kitchen garden programs could not run successfully without them.

So we’d like to send out a big THANK YOU to all the amazing mums, dads, caregivers, grandmas, grandpas, aunties, uncles, students, retirees and community members who give their time to help in kitchen garden programs and at working bees.

If you’re interested in volunteering in a kitchen garden program you can look up your local school or early learning centre on our Kitchen Garden Community map, and contact them directly. Schools and centres are always on the lookout for volunteers, so they’d love to hear from you!

Watch this video about Weeden Heights Primary School to hear first-hand how important volunteers are to kitchen garden programs (and how much volunteers love the time they spend at schools!).

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