Reflecting on a bumper 2017

Friday, January 12, 2018

The Kitchen Garden Foundation team never tires of seeing the looks of joy on children’s faces as they care for their kitchen garden, harvest produce, and cook and share the food they have grown. So one of the most satisfying elements of our work comes from seeing the beautiful photos posted by kitchen garden schools and early years centres from all over Australia on the Shared Table online community.

We’ve put together this collection of our favourite Shared Table photos from 2017, and hope you find them as heart-warming and inspiring as we do.

Borroloola CEC School students proudly show their finished Greek Easter eggs, dyed by Year 1 and 2 students using freshly picked herbs, red onion skins and purple cabbage leaves.

Clonard College students weed the half-barrel planters in their school garden.

Students at St Albans Meadows Primary School get into the spirit of the last tomato harvest of the season.

Proud pumpkin harvesters at Emerton Public School.

Even the washing up is fun when you’re in a kitchen garden program, say these Gunnedah South Public School students.

Girl power digging out the compost bays at Meadows Primary School.

Cucumber phones are all the rage at Moonah Primary School.

Using the stick blender to make a vibrant beetroot dip was a kitchen class highlight for these Nambour State School students.

There were so many fabulous photos of beaming Narre Warren South P-12 College students that we couldn’t choose just one.

Curly cucumbers at Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School.

Potting up mango trees, which self-sprouted during the wet season at St Joseph’s School.

The students at Wonga Park Primary School love harvesting giant zucchinis so much that occasionally they let one grow and grow, then measure it as a maths activity and use it for a seed harvest. They look like they’ve reeled in a whopper!

Year 4 students at St John the Apostle Primary School discovered a surprise sleeper zucchini during their tomato harvest.

This Bemboka Public School student is just a little bit excited that it’s Wednesday, which is kitchen and garden day.

Autumn fig harvesting at Weeden Heights Primary School.

A happy St Michael’s Primary School student waters their flourishing garden.

  • Find out how your school or early years centre can join the Kitchen Garden Classroom and dig into pleasurable food education.
  • Any questions? Call our friendly Support Team on 13000 SAKGF (13000 72543).

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