Recipes with physical distancing

This story was originally created in response to schools and services expressing concern about continuing to run kitchen garden classes in light of social distancing concerns due to COVID-19. We created seven stories with suggestions for delivering STEM, Arts, Recipes, Knife Skills, Literacy and Numeracy without the preparing and sharing.
Our second stage of resources, created for members, delves more deeply into curriculum links and specific topics of interest. Please see our KGP at home collection on the Shared Table. For information on becoming a member head to this page.
Now is the perfect time to slow down and get on top of that wish-list you may not have had time for, and those skills to be perfected, regardless of physical distancing. For those looking for ways to maintain a thriving kitchen garden classroom without the preparing and sharing, we have compiled a list for you below.
Recipes with physical distancing
Some recipes are treasured artefacts passed down from generation to generation, others are new adaptations with a ‘secret ingredient’ or improved method for making. No matter their origin, recipes are the building blocks of success to any kitchen garden program.
- A great way to cap off a term of learning is for students to create a recipe book with their favourite recipes to take home and cook for family.
- Students could recipe research and create from a ‘mystery box '. Give them a list of ingredients in a mystery box and get them to design a menu based on what’s in it.
- Recipes of the Imagination are a great way to use what you have harvested from the garden, there are some great examples on the Shared Table including pizza, salad, risotto, noodles and dumplings. Students could create their own ’Recipe of the Imagination' from what is in the garden, fridge and pantry complete with step by step instructions.
- You could even create a visual representation of a recipe. See our broad bean dip resource as a great example on creating a simple step by step visual resource.
If you are a Program or member school or service and not sharing food during this time, remember there are other ways we can share! One way is to let us know about all the great work happening in your kitchen and garden on the Shared Table. Remember to take a landscape picture and fill in the details of your activity to let the whole kitchen garden community know what you’re up to. You are able to like and comment on other schools or services’ activities as well and keep connected!
We would like to advise that this information provided is general in nature and not specific. Please check your local government websites to make sure your program can adhere to Health and Safety Practices specific to your area.
For more information and support or to become a member, contact our Support Team on 13000 SAKGF (13000 72543) or
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