New Seasonal Planner out now!

The Foundation team has been using a seasonal wheel to help schools plan their kitchen garden programs for many years, so we thought it was about time we shared it!
Our new Kitchen Garden Program Seasonal Planner is a tool to help educators and children plan and share their kitchen garden program activities. It includes a seasonal wheel poster that sets out the annual cycle of months and seasons, and a supporting booklet with a list of garden, kitchen and learning activities for each season.
The planner is a handy resource for anyone running a kitchen garden program, from educators in the early years, primary and secondary sectors to home school educators, outside school hours care (OSHC) programs, family day care and health and community workers.
Home cooks and gardeners can also use the resource to plan activities in their garden and kitchen by the seasons.
The easy-to-use poster and booklet will help you:
- Plot out all of your must-do garden and kitchen activities, as well as any key events on the calendar.
- Coordinate your kitchen garden program and ensure kitchen, garden and learning activities are working in harmony.
- Record the successes (and failures!) in the garden and kitchen to help with the following year’s planning.
- Pick up tips and inspiration for what to include in your plan.
Now is a great time to be thinking ahead about next year’s kitchen garden activities, so order your copy of the new resource and start planning now!
- Buy the Kitchen Garden Program Seasonal Planner now in our online shop.
- Victorian schools and centres receive a Kitchen Garden Program Seasonal Planner when they sign up to our new Victorian Pleasurable Food Education Package.
- Kitchen Garden Program Schools and Kitchen Garden Classroom members are eligible for a 10% discount on the planner – simply visit the Shared Table to access your discount code or learn how you can join the Kitchen Garden Classroom.
Any questions? Contact the Support Team on or 13000 SAKGF (13000 72543).
The Foundation warmly thanks our Principal Partner, Medibank, for providing the support that has made this publication possible. Read more about this unique Australian partnership.
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