Join us at festival21 – Our Future Through Food

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

On Friday 11 December, the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre will be a packed lunch of delicious art, music, comedy, cooking and gardening – a menu set to address our biggest social challenges of now and the future.

Festival21 is described as a ‘bootcamp for change makers aged 16 to 30’ (but of course it is open to all!). Through food, art, harvesting and sharing ideas, international and local leaders, entrepreneurs and 1000+ young people – we’ll be rethinking the future of our planet.

As a festival21 partner, the Kitchen Garden Foundation team is thrilled (salivating even) to be celebrating food and all its benefits, with all our taste buds! Stephanie will be breaking bread with social justice activist Julian Burnside – discussing recipes for human rights to health, living enjoyably, and sustainably.

The Foundation team will be on the exhibition floor handing out kitchen garden goodies and running fun family kitchen garden activities. We'll also be able to talk to you about your garden and cooking plans, and how you can get involved in our work. We believe in access to pleasurable food education anywhere, anytime, for anyone and everyone.

As well as our own activities, we’re double-yolked excited to be sharing the exhibition spread with kitchen garden boxes, communal cooking and eating tables, and a buffet of masterclasses, with a host of wonderful partners and friends.

Thanks to the remarkable F21 team for bringing this shindig together. We’ll see you at festival21, Friday 11 December!

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