Celebrating the life of inspirational volunteer Marguerita Wu

Friday, May 18, 2018

This obituary for long-time Collingwood College Kitchen Garden Program volunteer Marguerita Wu was written by the school’s Kitchen Specialist Desley Insall.

It is with a very sad heart I am sharing the news of the sudden passing of Collingwood College volunteer Marguerita Wu.

Marguerita was the second-ever Kitchen Garden Program volunteer, way back in 2001, when the pilot Program was in its infancy.

We are so very lucky to have had her as a volunteer. She was an inspirational and knowledgeable person who in her early life was a higher mathematics and science prodigy, maths and science teacher and university lecturer. 

She then transitioned to another life-long passion, working in the Australian art space. This included collating and assisting with the donation of philanthropist Dr Joseph Brown’s entire art collection to the National Gallery of Victoria. Marguerita continued working in the Australian art space, supporting artists and galleries, while practising her love of education by tutoring children and adults at universities and privately.

Marguerita was part of the famous Wednesday A Team, a group of wonderful people who have all volunteered for 13–15 years at our school and are an integral reason why the Kitchen Garden Program could make the leap from a pilot program to a national educational model for pleasurable food education.

I have been so very fortunate to have known, worked with and been supported by Marguerita Wu over the last 13 or so years in my classroom, and feel honoured to share some of our recollections of Marguerita, who volunteered at our school for over 15 years amazing years.

Her contribution cannot be articulated enough. However, I can share with everyone why she was so special to me, the students she supported, her volunteer friends and school staff past and present.

Marguerita Wu, purely and simply was an extraordinary and unique woman, a Renaissance woman, a true humanist, an educationalist with a sharp intelligence combined with deep compassion and kindness to everyone she met. Always, she related to a child’s sense of wonderment and engaged in word play with a wicked wit.

Marguerita was a woman of passions and one of those was for her beloved Collingwood Football Club – the Pies.

For many years the Collingwood Football Club supported our school breakfast program by sending footballers to assist. Marguerita was a welcoming school host, ensuring the rookies weren’t overwhelmed by 20 to 30 students at 7 am.

I have wonderful memories of the many times that Nathan ‘Bucks’ Buckley, captain of the Pies came to school. Marguerita would be extra early, in her Pies footy jumper and scarf combined with a sensible skirt and shoes. She would make Bucks a cup of tea and then have charming and in-depth conversations with him.  Both quietly considered in their conversations and opinions – it was a priceless vision.

Many of her friends and admirers from Collingwood College would like to share some of their thoughts and memories of dear our Marguerita.

Peta Heine, Collingwood College’s first Kitchen Specialist:

For me personally Marguerita was an absolute treasure. In the beginning I would often be overwhelmed and doubt myself, as I had never done anything like this before. Marguerita always encouraged me, helped me solve problems, made me little treats and worked behind the scenes to keep the kitchen running smoothly ...”

Andy Sutton, Collingwood College art teacher:

"Marguerita was a natural and tireless giver, whose energy seemed boundless. She was patient, perceptive, caring and engaged, and popular with students, teachers, volunteers and parents... Marguerita was a bright star and I will miss her.”

Margaret Finger, Collingwood College garden volunteer:

“I remember the fun times we used to have in the kitchen, when you all made lunch for the garden vollies and we’d sit down and be waited on, and chat and laugh and share the day’s experiences. I did enjoy wandering around the garden with her when she came across to harvest, getting up close and personal with the plants. She’d ask off-beat questions and joke in that way she had, a twinkle in her eye. I loved her sense of humour and her views on life.”

Peter Arnott, Kitchen Garden Program volunteer in the Wednesday A Team:

“I was in awe of Marguerita’s competence in such a wide range of activities-cooking, art, books, writing, teaching, sewing, maths, general knowledge!”

Jeni Nathanielsz, Kitchen Garden Program volunteer in the Wednesday A Team:

One little incident I recall was that Marguerita was continuously shy of divulging her birthday. We eventually discovered that it was at the end of July. Somehow, we decided that it was her 70th, and set to planning a party, complete with cake, on a particular Wednesday after the classes which we felt was close to the date. After regaling her with a rousing 'Happy Birthday to you', she quietly and graciously let us know that it was NOT her 70th!”

Marguerita was an inspirational woman, who continues to inspire. She made a difference to our students, our school and our teachers and she will be greatly missed. The Collingwood College school community sends our heartfelt condolences to her children, Lucinda and Julian.



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