Maryjane Crabtree

Maryjane Crabtree


Maryjane Crabtree is a lawyer by profession and practised as a solicitor in Melbourne for 35 years.

Maryjane has had several roles on boards and committees and has consulted to organisations on governance and integrity, since retiring from practice in 2016. Notably, she was a member of the board of Epworth HealthCare for nine years and President for the last four of those years. She has held governance and integrity roles across a range of organisations in the fields of health, sport and education.

Currently, Maryjane chairs Racing Analytical Services Limited; chairs Anam Cara House Colac, a community hospice; is a director of Rugby Victoria; and a trustee of the Uniting Church in Australia (Vic/Tas) Property Trust. She is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Maryjane lives in regional Victoria and enjoys her thriving vegetable garden.