Q&A | Margaret River Community Centre for Children
For the Foundation's 20th anniversary in 2024, we're interviewing members around the country to find out how they run the Kitchen Garden Program and lean on all their membership benefits. The stories and ideas they share are perfect for new members or existing educators curious about different approaches from other schools and services.
Kitchen Garden Educator, Shan Prideaux, of Margaret River Community Centre for Children is a recent member to the Kitchen Garden Program, joining our bustling community of educators in 2022.
From interactive activities like 'what floats and what sinks', to simple vegetable tasting activities and encouraging older children to teach younger children, read on to find out Shan's insights and tips.
About the service
- Sector: Early childhood
- Location: Margaret River, Western Australia
- Number of children in EC: 100+
Program basics
- Age levels participating in the Kitchen Garden Program: 3 and 4 year olds.
- Number of children who take part in the program each year: All of them get involved, so 100+.
- How often you run kitchen and garden sessions: Twice a week during the program duration which we run over 16 weeks.
- Number of staff supporting the program: 2 staff members.
- Number of helpers/volunteers per session: 1 volunteer.
- Type of garden: Shared community garden space with three small wicking beds and two raised beds.
- Type of kitchen: Food education sessions take place on tables with a small staff kitchen.
Program highlights
- Your favourite garden activity to run with children: This is a hard question, because they are all great! Worm activities and 'what floats and what sinks' have been popular. Any of the interactive learning experiences are a hit.
- Your favourite recipe to use with children: We have focused on simple vegetable tasting activities.
- Top learning activity provided by the Kitchen Garden Program: Any from the activities in Seasonal Food & Gardening for the Early Years (books 1 to 3).
- One useful tip or hack that could benefit other members: Start small and use sensory exploration to encourage children to be food adventurers.
- What have been your biggest successes/wins/breakthroughs: The immersion in regular sessions benefit staff and children alike; they get excited in anticipation of the lessons! It is great hearing the older children teach the younger ones from their experiences the previous year.
- Have you seen an impact on the children over the years they're at the centre?: Yes! We see conversations around food and growing, which the children incorporate into their activities.
- How do you fuel your passion for the program?: Seeing the children's enthusiasm and curiosity that happens naturally in the garden space!
- What have you learnt that you wished you’d known when you started?: That volunteers and champions are integral to the success. They are the core and need to be factored into starting and sustaining the program.
Feeling inspired by Margaret River Community Centre? We support you to start you Kitchen Garden Program, meeting you where you're at.
Join a community of schools and early childhood services right around Australia teaching young people how to grow, harvest, prepare and share! Get started by emailing us at membership@kitchengardenfoundation.org.au or popping along to a free information session.
Read our other Q&As:
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